Conference Presentations
Paper presentation (The presenter is underlined)
Kwon, H. & Koylu, C. (March 2023). Human mobility or COVID-19 incidence: Which comes first? Unearthing the association of time series trends of human mobility and COVID-19 incidence. AAG Annual Meeting, John Odland SAM student paper competition II, Denver, CO.
Kwon, H. & Koylu, C. (November 2022). The unequal impact of COVID-19: An analysis of mobility behaviors of socially vulnerable populations. 24th Biennial International Research Symposium – AutoCarto 2022, Redlands, CA.
Koylu, C., Torkashvand, M., Kwon, H. & Kasakoff, A.B. (November 2022). Mapping migration regions and their evolution from population-scale family trees: What can they tell us about cultural identities and regions today? 6th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Geospatial Humanities, Seattle, WA.
Kwon, H. & Koylu, C. (February 2022). A space-time-semantics approach to identify and visualize collective discourse and sentiments during events on Twitter. AAG Annual Meeting, GI Science & Systems Student Honors Paper Competition, World Wide Web.
Kwon, H., Hom, K., Rifkin, M., Tian, B. & Koylu, C. (September 2021). Exploring the spatiotemporal heterogeneity in the relationship between human mobility and COVID-19 prevalence using dynamic time warping. GIScience 2021 Workshop on Advancing Movement Data Science (AMD’2021), World Wide Web.
Kwon, H. & Koylu, C. (April 2019). Empirical evaluation of parameters and models for extracting topics from geo-tagged social media data. AAG Annual Meeting, Social Media and Big Data Ⅱ, Washington D.C.
Zhang, B., Koylu, C., Oberlin, K., Eckstein, B. & Kwon, H. (April 2019). Climate change or natural cycle? Not sure, but it gets 2 hot and 2 cold 4 sure, AAG Annual Meeting, Symposium on Frontiers in Geospatial Data Science: Synergizing Geospatial Data Science with Domain Applications I: Climate Science, Washington D.C.
Lee, S., Kwon, H., Song, K., Lee, S. & Hwang, J. (November 2018). A Study on the Development of Value Index for Decision Support of Crime Prevention Policy - A Case Study of Park Crime Safety. The Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science, Jeju, South Korea
Hwang, J., Song, K., Kwon, H., Lee, S. & Choi, H. (October 2017). Development of R&D roadmap for vitalizing geospatial information convergence industry of Korea. The Korea Spatial Information Society, Jeonju, South Korea.
Kwon, H., Song, K., Seok, S. & Hwang, J. (June 2017). A study on geospatial information convergence research trends using Knowledge Map. The Korea Spatial Information Society, Seoul, South Korea.
Seok, S., Kwon, H., Song, K., Lee, H. & Hwang, J. (April 2017). Development of RCPI (Regional Crime Prevention Index) for decision support of crime prevention policy. The Korean Society for Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography, Yeosu, South Korea.
Kwon, H., & Kang, Y. (June 2016). Risk analysis and visualization for detecting signs of flood disaster in Twitter. The Korean Geographical Society, Seoul, South Korea.
Kwon, H., & Kang, Y. (June 2016). Location inference and risk analysis of flood-related Tweets. The Korea Spatial Information Society, Anyang, South Korea.
Seok, S., Kwon, H., Song, K., & Hwang, J. (June 2016). Standardization of underground shopping center addresses for disaster response and an integrated use of indoor spatial information. The Korea Spatial Information Society, Anyang, South Korea.
Kwon, H., Song, K., Seok, S., & Hwang, J. (May 2016). A study on the policies for vitalizing geospatial information convergence. The Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science, Jeju, South Korea.
Kwon, H., Song, K., Seok, S., Kim, B., & Hwang, J. (May 2016). A study on the emerging technology of geospatial information convergence. The Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science, Jeju, South Korea.
Seok, S., Song, K., Kwon, H., & Hwang, J. (April 2016). A study on the classification of geospatial information convergence industry. The Korean Society for Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography, Suwon, South Korea.
Panel Session
Panelist, Student Success in Empowering Social Goods with Cartography and GIScience. 24th Biennial International Research Symposium – AutoCarto 2022, November 4, 2022, Redlands, CA.