Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Kwon, H. & Koylu, C. (2023). Revealing associations between spatial time series trends of COVID-19 incidence and human mobility: an analysis of bidirectionality and spatiotemporal heterogeneity. International Journal of Health Geographics, 22, 33.
Kwon, H., Koylu, C. & Dietrich, B. J. (2023). Natural language processing meets spatial time series analysis and geovisualization: identifying and visualizing spatio-topical sentiment trends on Twitter. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 50:6, 593-607.
Kwon, H. & Kang, Y. (2016). Risk analysis and visualization for detecting signs of flood disaster in Twitter. Spatial information research, 24(2), 127-139.
Seok, S., Kwon, H., Song, K., Lee, H. & Hwang, J. (2017). Development of GIS-based RCPI (Regional Crime Prevention Index) to support crime prevention activities in urban environments. Journal of Korea Society of Computer and Information, 22(1), 41-48. [Korean]
Kwon, H., Song, K., Seok, S., Jang, H. & Hwang, J. (2016). Development of social map prototype for intelligent crime prevention based on geospatial information. Journal of Korea Society of Computer and Information, 21(8), 49-55. [Korean]
Song, K., Seok, S., Kwon, H. & Hwang, J. (2016). A study on the improvement of ‘Geospatial Information Open Platform’ for geospatial information convergence industry. Journal of Korea Society of Computer and Information, 21(7), 31-38. [Korean]
Kang, Y. & Kwon, H. (2015). User requirements analysis for vitalization of Open-source GIS software in Korea. Journal of Korea Spatial Information Society, 23(6), 99-107. [Korean]
Kang, Y., Kang, A. & Kwon, H. (2014). An analysis of Open-source GIS software ecosystem in Korea. Journal of Korea Spatial Information Society, 22(6), 67-79. [Korean]
Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings
Kwon, H. & Koylu, C. (November 2022). The unequal impact of COVID-19: An analysis of mobility behaviors of socially vulnerable populations. Proceedings of the 24th Biennial International Research Symposium – AutoCarto 2022, Redlands, CA.
Koylu, C., Torkashvand, M., Kwon, H. & Kasakoff, A.B. (November 2022). Mapping migration regions and their evolution from population-scale family trees: What can they tell us about cultural identities and regions today? GeoHumanities '22: Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Geospatial Humanities, Seattle, WA.
Kwon, H., Hom, K., Rifkin, M., Tian B. & Koylu, C. (2021). Exploring the spatiotemporal heterogeneity in the relationship between human mobility and COVID-19 prevalence using dynamic time warping. GIScience 2021 Workshop on Advancing Movement Data Science (AMD’ 2021), September 27, 2021, World Wide Web.